60+ hours of practical youth ministry training in six breakout blocks.
Click on any of the dates and times below to see a list of some of the specific breakout sessions that we are offering at Conclave. Don’t worry – we offer MP3 audio recordings onsite for any of the sessions that you are unable to make!
TITLE: Creating a Physical Space for Youth Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Discover what designing an environment for spiritual growth and community looks like to help accommodate a thriving student ministry.
LEADER: Jackson White, Youth Pastor at FBC Livingston TN
DESCRIPTION: This breakout will demonstrate how to leverage AI to plan your program, lighten your load, and design your life.
LEADER: Zac Workun, Student Ministry Training Specialist, Lifeway Christian Resources, Nashville, TN
TITLE: Can I Talk About That? How to Approach Cultural Issues with Biblical Truth
DESCRIPTION: Do you find it difficult to talk with your students about cultural shifts that push against the gospel? How do you address cultural misconceptions that threaten to cancel anyone with an opposing view? Our culture is dominated by lies that oppose God’s truth. Let’s talk about the best way to approach these cultural issues Biblically.
LEADER: Shane Pruitt, National Next Gen Director, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, GA
TITLE: Developing A Next Gen Missional Pipeline
DESCRIPTION: One of the greatest joys in ministry is watching the next generations grow into spiritual maturity and launch into adult life as ambassadors for Christ and agents of reconciliation. Envision year after year of people sent out from your church to reach lost people with the gospel, start churches, and serve God in careers and places all over the world! Explore the elements and strategies you can put to work as your own plan for a pipeline.
LEADER: George Siler, Manager of Packaged Volunteer Trips, International Mission Board, Richmond, VA
TITLE: Prayer, Bible Study, and the Mental Health of the Student Pastor
DESCRIPTION: This breakout will discuss the importance of personal prayer and Bible study for Student Pastors. Practical tips will be given on how Student Pastors/Leaders can prioritize this in their personal lives. There will also be discussion on how the mental health of the student pastor must be addressed to survive long-term in ministry.
LEADER: Tim Kilgore, Pastor of Families, Central Baptist Waycross, GA & Georgia Baptist Mission Board South Rep
TITLE: Thriving in Babylon: Living Out Your Faith When It’s Unpopular
DESCRIPTION: Our kids have more in common with teenagers raised in Corinth, than what their grandparents would have experienced. That means we need to prepare students not only to survive but also to thrive in hostile territory. Grounding kids in the gospel and proactively giving them answers on sexuality and gender will be key! We will be in Daniel 3 and identify multiple parallels.
LEADER: Kevin Hash, Student Pastor, Versailles Baptist Church, Versailles, KY
ROOM: 10
TITLE: Creative Youth Pastors Win
DESCRIPTION: Creative>Cookie-Cutter. Every. Single. Time. Learn to be a more creative minister with students and become a problem solver!
LEADER: John Nugent, Minister of Youth, Temple Baptist Church, Ruston, LA
ROOM: 11
TITLE: Disciplemaking for Guys
DESCRIPTION: Young men throughout Biblical history have been kings who led spiritual reform for nations, prophets who spoke the truth in times of crisis, and disciples who walked alongside the Son of God. Today, adolescent guys are in a time of crisis educationally, emotionally, and spiritually. Student pastors, next-gen leaders, and parents have the unique opportunity to work together to disciple adolescent guys to faith maturity. This breakout will discuss the unique developmental needs of teenage guys and will help you build a team of caring, spiritually mature adults in the life of every guy and map out a discipleship pathway in your context.
LEADER: Dr. Jonathan Denton, Associate Professor of Christian Studies/Student Ministry, Charleston Southern University, North Charleston, SC
ROOM: 16
TITLE: How to Build a Bridge to Your Public High School
DESCRIPTION: While the days of a Youth Pastor eating lunch with their students in a public school might be behind us, public schools might not be as closed off to your ministry as you think! In this breakout, we will explore several ways to get inside the four walls of your public high school for the purpose of kingdom advancement. I will share how our ministry has built bridges with several local public high schools and potentially help you do the same!
LEADER: Jake Hueni, Director of Music and Youth, New Life Church, Osceola, IN
ROOM: 17
TITLE: Creative Ministry Training for Maximum Impact
DESCRIPTION: Ever feel like you’re boring your students and leaders? Have you ever wanted to do more hands-on learning, but never really understood how to incorporate it into a training plan? Do you want your students to actually remember what you taught them? Yes, speaking in front of a crowd and commanding the stage is a critical communication skill, but it’s certainly not the only method. And it’s often not the most effective in training your students and leaders in critical skills for discipleship, evangelism, and missions. In Creating Ministry Trainings for Maximum Impact, you’ll learn 12 unique teaching methods and a clear system to develop your own customized training for your ministry.
LEADER: Charlie Swain, Next Gen Mobilizing Strategist, South Carolina Baptist Convention, Columbia, SC
ROOM: 18
TITLE: Empowering Parents When Their Teenager Feels Called to Ministry
DESCRIPTION: While we aspire for all parents and guardians to embrace their children’s call to ministry, the reality is that even among devout families, some may struggle to do so. In this session, we aim to address the complex thoughts, assumptions, and emotions parents may encounter regarding ministry and provide practical guidance on how they can support their children as they navigate this profound calling. Join us as we explore ways to assist parents in embracing and nurturing their teenager’s journey towards ministry.
LEADER: Dr. Dwayne Parker, Director of Discipleship/Sunday School, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, Jackson, MS
ROOM: 19
TITLE: A Perfect Fit: Dreaming, Building, Leading, and Improving an Effective Girls’ Ministry Customized for Your Unique Context
DESCRIPTION: Ministry isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. You can’t borrow a girl’s ministry from someone else and expect it to work as well in your context. You have to grow your own! Come learn how to address the needs of the girls in your community in an ongoing, strategic, and systematic way that takes into consideration the nuanced challenges they face. Don’t worry! Your girl’s ministry does not have to be elaborate, expensive, or super time-consuming to be effective. It only needs to be intentional!
LEADER: Angela Sanders, Author, Speaker, Ministry Strategist, AngelaSandersWrites.com, Edmond, OK
ROOM: 11
TITLE: Understanding and Teaching God’s Design for Sex and Gender
DESCRIPTION: Our children and teens are growing up in a world where “It’s all up to you!” is the mantra that guides – or more accurately mis-guides – our students into embracing and living out ideologies on sex and gender that undermine their human flourishing. In this seminar, Walt will walk you through how the Sex Positive movement and LGBTQ+ ideologies are forming the beliefs and behaviors of our kids, along with how and what to teach about the beauty of God’s sex-and-gender-positive design. as the path to spiritual growth, relational growth, and sexual flourishing.
LEADER: Walt Mueller, Founder & President, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, Elizabethtown, PA
ROOM: 12
TITLE: So Your Students Are Dealing with Some Heavy Stuff! Part 1
DESCRIPTION: In this part 1 discussion we will deal with many of the complex trauma our students are bringing to our ministries. How can we equip ourselves to meet the needs of our students who are dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and past emotional/ physical trauma? Proven strategies for connecting and communicating care to hurting students.
LEADERS: Steve Spence, High School Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
Shelly Spence, Licensed Professional Counselor, Shelley Spence Counseling, Cordova, TN
ROOM: 13
TITLE: Finding a Healthy Rhythm in Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Move from surviving to thriving. There is something broken in the church work culture today, but there is a biblical rhythm that allows you to experience powerful ministry and joyful life. A real testimony and a real plan you can start today.
LEADER: Andy Addis, Lead Teaching & Vision Pastor, Crosspoint Church, KS
ROOM: 14
TITLE: Beyond Z: Reaching Gen Alpha
DESCRIPTION: This breakout will unpack characteristics of Gen Alpha and provide insights in to how to best reach them.
LEADER: Dr. Shelly Melia, Program Director for the Master of Arts in Family Ministry, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX
ROOM: 15
TITLE: Yes, That Really Happened!
DESCRIPTION: What I have learned in 20 years of ministry with Shane Pruitt.
LEADER: Shane Pruitt, National Next Gen Director, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, GA
TITLE: Marriage in Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Practical helps for nurturing marriage through the demands of ministry leadership with Chris and Wendy Trent.
LEADER: Chris & Wendy Trent, Next Gen Catalyst, Georgia Baptist Mission Board, Suwanee, GA
TITLE: Student Ministry Rookies
DESCRIPTION: Establish healthy habits in your first three years of ministry with Steve Coleman.
LEADER: Steve Coleman, Minister to Youth & Families, FBC Richmond, KY
TITLE: Large Church Round Table
DESCRIPTION: Discuss leadership and ministry distinctives for large student ministries with Matt Dickey.
LEADER: Matt Dickey, Minister to Middle School Students, FBC Trussville, Trussville, AL
TITLE: Developing a Student Ministry that Prays
DESCRIPTION: Students who want to grow in the their faith often struggle with their prayer life (their Student Pastor may struggle as well). Dr. McKinion will offer practical steps for helping students learn to be pray-ers and to help build a Student Ministry that prioritizes and incorporates prayer as a central component of a ministry where leaders and students alike value and practice a vibrant prayer life.
LEADER: Dr. Steve McKinion, Professor of Theology & Patristic Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
TITLE: Wives’ Session 1: Joy in Ministry comes from God’s Pruning
DESCRIPTION: In John 15:1-2, Jesus describes the first surprising pathway to finding joy: God’s pruning. In this session, we will specifically look at what these seasons of pruning look like and how we can trust God to bring about joy from our sorrows.
LEADER: Dr. Tara Dew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA
TITLE: Discipleship Strategies for Youth Ministry
DESCRIPTION: The promise of youth ministry is more than just knowledge—it’s discipleship. Join Doug as he intentionally examines how to integrate discipleship and youth ministry. Learn practical tips and tricks for building meaningful relationships, sharing personal stories, asking intentional questions, helping students make life applications, and holding students accountable.
LEADER: Doug Franklin, President, LeaderTreks, Carol Stream, IL
TITLE: Leveraging Relational Equity in Student Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Relational equity is the currency we use to influence other people. We will discuss some pitfalls to avoid and ways you can effectively leverage your equity with students, parents, volunteers, and church staff to be a good steward of the resources God has given you.
LEADER: Andrew Watts, Student Pastor, Meadow Grove Baptist Church, Brandon, MS & Daniel Moody, Middle School Pastor, First Baptist Church, Madison, MS
TITLE: Creating a Student Culture that Prioritizes the Bible
DESCRIPTION: Many students seem apathetic towards Bible Study. This session will show practical ways to engage students and create a culture that invites them to be people of the Bible. This will often mean changing the culture of your students and adult leaders.
LEADER: Tim Kilgore, Pastor of Families, Central Baptist Waycross, GA & Georgia Baptist Mission Board South Rep
TITLE: Are Christian’s “Safe?” An Answer to the World’s Narrative
DESCRIPTION: Our kids are raised on a narrative that if you do not agree with the culture of LGBT, then at best, you are wrong; at worst, you are hateful and unsafe. Many student ministers are uncertain how to navigate this and maybe even wonder, “Am I safe?” In this breakout, we will look at how unsafe the world is, how the Bible is ultimately good, and how there is no safer place than to be at the feet of Jesus. This breakout will also address some narratives about suicidality among LGBT-identifying youths and how to help your students navigate the media they consume.
LEADER: Kevin Hash, Student Pastor, Versailles Baptist Church, Versailles, KY
ROOM: 10
TITLE: All Things Are Possible: Cultivating a Culture of Biblical Sisterhood Among the Girls in Your Youth Group
DESCRIPTION: What would happen if your church became the one place in your community where girls and women felt safe, accepted, and included? This kind of culture isn’t a destination. It’s an ongoing journey paved with gratitude, common purpose, and mutual submission for the sake of the Gospel and God’s glory. Come learn how to teach, model, and implement principles of biblical sisterhood that allow for individual and Kingdom growth. It’s possible! All it takes is commitment and Jesus.
LEADER: Angela Sanders, Author, Speaker, Ministry Strategist, AngelaSandersWrites.com, Edmond, OK
ROOM: 11
TITLE: Youth Culture 101: Cultural Forces Shaping Children and Teens Today
DESCRIPTION: Our kids are growing up in a world that powerfully shapes and mis-shapes their values, attitudes, and behaviors. What are the major cultural forces that are influencing the worldviews of children and teens today? How can we begin to temper the negative influences that present challenges for Christian parents and youth workers? In this practical and hope-filled seminar, Walt will pull back the curtain on a handful of the most-influential and often-overlooked trends which parents can and must address in the home and which youth workers can and must address in the church.
LEADER: Walt Mueller, Founder & President, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, Elizabethtown, PA
ROOM: 12
TITLE: So Your Students Are Dealing with Some Heavy Stuff! Part 2
DESCRIPTION: In this part 2 discussion we will deal with many of the complex trauma our students are bringing to our ministries. How can we equip ourselves to meet the needs of our students who are dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and past emotional/ physical trauma? Proven strategies for connecting and communicating care to hurting students.
LEADERS: Steve Spence, High School Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
Shelly Spence, Licensed Professional Counselor, Shelley Spence Counseling, Cordova, TN
ROOM: 13
TITLE: The Story of Forgiveness
DESCRIPTION: Woundedness happens in ministry. If we are ever to communicate and lead a broken world in the realities of forgiveness, we must experience it ourselves. We have been forgiven, but we must learn to find the release of forgiving others.
LEADER: Andy Addis, Lead Teaching & Vision Pastor, Crosspoint Church, KS
ROOM: 14
TITLE: Leveraging Your Strengths and Recruiting for Your Weaknesses
DESCRIPTION: This breakout emphasizes understanding your strengths and weaknesses and provides an opportunity to create a visual of the team you lead to see what is missing.
LEADER: Dr. Shelly Melia, Program Director for the Master of Arts in Family Ministry, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX
ROOM: 15
TITLE: Transitioning Churches Following a Long Tenure
DESCRIPTION: Explore the emotional and logistical challenges a pastor faces when transitioning to a new church following a lengthy tenure at a previous church.
LEADER: Justin Schultz, Associate Pastor of Family Ministries, Sandy Plains Baptist Church, Gastonia, NC
TITLE: Wives’ Session 2: Joy in Ministry comes from God’s Presence
DESCRIPTION: In John 15:4-8, Jesus tells us about the second surprising pathway to finding joy: God’s presence. He commands us to “remain” with Him. In this session, we will discuss practical ways of abiding with God despite the busyness and struggles in ministry of the twenty-first century.
LEADER: Dr. Tara Dew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA
TITLE: Serving in Ministry During Personal Trauma
DESCRIPTION: In this breakout, we will discuss how to remain healthy and serve well during and before serious personal trauma. That could be a personal or familial health crisis, the death of a close loved one, or a serious traumatic event. You will walk away with resources and real-life stories to equip you to minister to others in your church and community.
LEADER: Aaron Sibley, Minister to Students, First Baptist Church, Brandon, MS
TITLE: Engage, Empower, Inspire: Adapting to Every Learner
DESCRIPTION: In a world that thrives on diversity, understanding and incorporating different learning styles is essential for effective student ministry. Explore practical strategies for identifying and adapting to the unique minds of our students—visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write learners. We’ll discuss tools such as learning style inventories, planning templates, and interactives that will empower you to create engaging and impactful lessons. By fostering a collaborative atmosphere and encouraging peer interaction, we can enhance spiritual growth and community within our ministries. Join us as we explore how these educational strategies enhance Bible study and deepen our students’ faith journeys.
LEADER: Matthew Wilkinson & Ashley Wilkinson, MAEd., NBCT
TITLE: What I Learned from Starting Small — Navigating Mistakes & Heartaches in Small-Church Student Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Every ministry has its challenges, and student ministry is no exception. I’ll share lessons from my mistakes as a small-church student minister and how God guided me, and I’ll remind you that you’re never alone—His faithfulness is constant and consistent.
LEADER: Jacob Ball, Student and Discipleship Pastor at Buffat Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN
TITLE: Logistics in Youth Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Come learn practical strategies in administering discipline, teaching, and discipleship to have the healthiest youth ministry possible.
LEADER: Steve Coleman, Minister to Youth & Families, FBC Richmond, KY
ROOM: 10
TITLE: Superior Storytelling
DESCRIPTION: In this breakout, you will learn how to tell better stories that help make the message stick with students.
LEADER: John Nuggent, Temple Baptist Church, Ruston, LA
ROOM: 11
TITLE: Helping Middle Schoolers Thrive in a Small/Mid-Sized Church
DESCRIPTION: Middle Schoolers! They’re those really small, short kids in your youth group that make you scratch your head. But, no matter how big or small your youth group is, middle school students play a huge role in your ministry. So, lean into their limitless energy and fun, and let’s talk about some practical steps to help middle schoolers thrive in your ministry.
LEADER: Chris Hargrove, Managing Editor of Youth Pastor Resources, YM360, Birmingham, AL
ROOM: 12
TITLE: Longevity in Ministry
DESCRIPTION: As a 36-year veteran of youth ministry, what are the tools and practices necessary to do great ministry that lasts through the generations?
LEADER: Denis Tanner, Associate Pastor: Next Steps & Students, Shades Crest Baptist Church, Hoover, AL
ROOM: 13
TITLE: Youth Ministry +: How to Serve in Multiple Roles Effectively
DESCRIPTION: Many full-time, vocational Youth Pastors have responsibilities in their ministry beyond Youth Ministry. Whether that’s “Youth + Children”, “Youth + Music”, “Youth + Communications” or even “Youth + Children + Music + Communications”! Whatever the case may be, it can be challenging to know how to manage your time and where to put your energy. In this breakout, we will discuss the blessings and challenges of serving in multiple capacities in full-time vocational ministry. I hope you leave this breakout with practical ways to manage your time and are inspired to continue serving the Lord using every gift and ability He has given you!
LEADER: Jake Hueni, Director of Music and Youth, New Life Church, Osceola, IN
ROOM: 14
TITLE: 5 Musts Every Minister Needs to Know About Parents
DESCRIPTION: Do you want to build stronger, more effective partnerships with parents? Join us as we look at Five Musts that every minister needs to know about Parents. This conference will better equip you with knowledge to better connect with and support parents.
LEADER: David Reed, Minister to Students, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee
ROOM: 15
TITLE: Nothing New Under the Sun: Why Church History is Vital for Student Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Discover why church history can have a profound impact on teenagers and their walk with Jesus.
LEADER: Alex Butner, Student Pastor, FBC Garner, NC
TITLE: Men & Women Session: Doing Ministry as a Family
DESCRIPTION: Join Jamie & Tara in this breakout session to learn more about how to do ministry as a family, how to be intentional with your time, and how to shepherd your family’s ministry mindset.
LEADER: Dr. Jamie & Dr. Tara Dew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA
TITLE: Grow in Gospel Teaching, Preaching, & Studying with Logos11
DESCRIPTION: Student ministry is perhaps more challenging today than ever! Discover how Logos11 can help you take your Bible teaching, preaching, discipleship, and study deeper to better minister to those in your student ministry and others in the church! Whether you’re exploring cultural and historical context, doing in-depth exegesis, studying the original languages, personal devotions, or wanting to provide counseling on contemporary matters to today’s students, Logos can equip you with the tools you need for effective, trusted, gospel-based student ministry.
LEADER: Rob Fleshman, Enterprise Account Executive, Simpson, LA, Logos
TITLE: Shepherding a Student Ministry
DESCRIPTION: In this breakout, we’ll dive into how to intentionally shepherd your students and develop leaders who are equipped for ministry. We’ll explore how to create a shepherding plan that ensures no student slips through the cracks while fostering a culture of discipleship and multiplication. You’ll learn strategies to move students from simply being engaged to becoming sent leaders, empowered to lead others in their faith journey. Whether you’re leading a small group or a large ministry, this session will provide practical tools to shepherd with purpose and build sustainable, transformational student ministries.
LEADER: Daniel Gibson, Next Gen Strategist, Missouri Baptist Convention, Jefferson City, MO
TITLE: That Kid! Understanding Trauma in Our Students
DESCRIPTION: Understanding why “that kid” in your student ministry acts the way they do! Breakdown of how early childhood adversities can shape the body, behaviors, and beliefs of our students and tips for reaching them with the Gospel.
LEADER: Paula Walker, Foster Care Mobilizer and Trauma Care Specialist, Mission Georgia, Suwanee, GA
TITLE: Connecting Students to Older Generations
DESCRIPTION: In this breakout, we will examine the importance of connecting our student ministries to the senior adult ministries of the church. We will look at biblical examples to support this point. Then, we will study how this practice has worked out in local church settings.
LEADER: Aaron Sibley, Minister to Students, First Baptist Church, Brandon, MS
ROOM: 10
TITLE: Strategies for Teaching Wisdom and Discernment
DESCRIPTION: Living and growing up in today’s rapidly changing youth culture means that our students face countless decisions regarding what to believe and how to live. Social media, the peer group, schools, film, music, television, etc. . . all dispense belief systems that shape our students’ behaviors both now and for the rest of their lives. Youth culture is catechizing them 24/7. While our youth ministries endeavor to lead young people to faith in Jesus Christ, they must also nurture students into choosing what to believe and how to live. . . all to the glory of God. In this breakout, Walt will teach you a methodology to equip students, leaders, and parents to put on the wise and discerning mind of Christ so that they will engage with culture critically and Christianly in their daily lives, choosing truth over error and right over wrong.
LEADER: Walt Mueller, Founder & President, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, Elizabethtown, PA
ROOM: 11
TITLE: Helping Middle Schoolers Thrive in a Small/Mid-Sized Church
DESCRIPTION: Middle Schoolers! They’re those really small, short kids in your youth group that make you scratch your head. But, no matter how big or small your youth group is, middle school students play a huge role in your ministry. So, lean into their limitless energy and fun, and let’s talk about some practical steps to help middle schoolers thrive in your ministry.
LEADER: Chris Hargrove, Managing Editor of Youth Pastor Resources, YM360, Birmingham, AL
ROOM: 16
TITLE: Building an Effective Youth Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Learning how to build a student ministry that reaches students and equips leaders for the long haul.
LEADER: Denis Tanner, Associate Pastor: Next Steps & Students, Shades Crest Baptist Church, Hoover, AL
ROOM: 17
TITLE: Embracing Your Call to the Small — Addressing Common Challenges in Small-Church Student Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Student ministry in a small church setting brings its own unique set of challenges, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. We’ll explore these difficulties and share practical solutions to help you navigate and thrive in your ministry.
LEADER: Jacob Ball, Student and Discipleship Pastor, Buggat Heights Baptist Church, TN
ROOM: 18
TITLE: Missions Discipleship: Beyond the One-Week Trip
DESCRIPTION: Make missions come alive for your students as you empower them to fulfill the Great Commission every day in their community. Be equipped with project ideas and scriptural insights to help your youth group share Jesus.
LEADER: Jon Jeffries, Denominational Liaison and Design Editor for Students, National W.M.U., Birmingham, AL
ROOM: 19