Welcome to Conclave 2021
Our keynotes sessions will be available on demand as well as the sessions from SEBTS faculty. Though you will want to join those live for Q&A. We’ll also have live youth ministry conversations from our nation’s experts. This is a unique opportunity to join in live conversation, and not just sit and listen. We know these will be useful to youth leaders of all levels of experience, so invite your friends and other leaders to join in.
For an optimal experience it is recommended that you watch the on demand content in advance of the associated live Zoom conversations.

Nick Person
Teaching Pastor
New Vision Baptist Church
Walking With God In The Valley

Ben Trueblood
Director of Student Ministry
The Best Leaders Fail: Why Failure is Important

Shane Pruitt
NextGen Evangelism
Cultivating a Culture of Student Evangelism in a Pandemic
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February 22 On Demand and Conversations
On Demand

Dr. Scott Pace
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Live Conversations
All conversations are in EST
10:00 am

Dr. Scott Pace
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
1:00 pm

Sarah Farley
International Mission Board
3:00 pm

Chris Trent
Georgia Baptist Mission Board
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February 23 On Demand and Conversations
On Demand

Dr. Tate Cockrell
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Julia Higgins
Dr. Kristen Kellen
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Live Conversations
All conversations are in EST
10:00 am
David Bennett
Lake Murray Baptist Church
1:00 pm
Dr. Tate Cockrell
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
3:00 pm
Dr. Julia Higgins
Dr. Kristen Kellen
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
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February 24 On Demand and Conversations
On Demand
Dr. Jim Shaddix
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Live Conversation
All conversations are in EST
11:00 am
Dr. Jim Shaddix
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
2:00 pm
Dr. Merrie Johnson
Women in the Ministry