Walking with God in the Valley – Nick Person
Nick Person shares a challenge to remain faithful even in the valley. This was originally presented as part of YM Conversations 2021.
Evangelism in a Pandemic – Shane Pruitt
Shane Pruitt, with NAMB, shares a challenge to embrace evangelistic potential that the pandemic affords. This was originally presented as part of YM Conversations 2021.
Teaching Theology to Teenagers – Drs. Kellen and Higgins
Dr. Higgins and Dr. Kellen encourage principles to teach theology to students. With so many voices coming at them, how can we guide them to truth and righteousness? This was originally presented as part of YM Conversations 2021.
Disciple Making in a Pandemic – Dr. Jim Shaddix
The pandemic of 2019-2021 has afforded opportunities to evaluate our approach to Disciple Making. Dr. Jim Shaddix shares insight to guide each leader. This was originally presented as part of YM Conversations 2021.
Discerning God’s Call – Dr. Scot Pace
Dr. Scott Pace offers insight to guide students to discern God’s call on and in their life. This was originally presented as part of YM Conversations 2021.
Self-Care for Student Ministers – Dr. Tate Cockrell
Self-Care for Student Ministers – Dr. Tate Cockrell. Originally recorded for YM Conversations 2021 presented by Conclave.
The Best Leaders Fail – Ben Trueblood
Ben Trueblood discusses biblical leadership. This was originally recorded for YM Conversations 2021, as presented by Conclave.